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Again... More Than Riding

The past few weeks when we've been out walking around the neighborhood, someone usually asks "Do you ride him?" To which I answer "Yes, but he's had some issues with Lyme disease so I'm giving him the year off." At this point I've said it so many times it's an auto reply.  The truth is I could be riding him. The past couple weeks Kestrel has really turned around. Teasel and Sarsaparilla have made the biggest difference so far in his Lyme treatment. He's so much more comfortable and has a lot more energy, waiting at the gate and whinnying to be taken out, ready to work. It's so tempting to put a saddle on him, especially on days when my tank is running low and my knees are on fire. Or when I get that aching in my upper arms that signals that I've done too much for the day, it would be so much easier if he could just carry me. Taking the year off of riding to work on our relationship and groundwork has been illuminating. Sure, I got on

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